Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Anniversary us!

Yesterday was our 3rd anniversary! On Tuesday morning Adam was a little ahead of the game woke up in the morning and said, "Happy Anniversary." I turned to him and said, "It's tomorrow." He tries so hard.

Yesterday evening we met at Lone Star and had dinner and then went to see the Indiana Jones movie. It was a very good time. We hadn't been to a movie in a theatre together since anniversary #1. That's bad. We should probably go on more dates.

When we were out of the movie we noticed we both had missed calls from his parents. A little nervous to find out what it was all about we listened to our messages. As it turns out they were calling to let us know that there was a propane leak at the propane place 3 miles from out house. At that point in time they were not even letting Dwight and Cindy into their home. Even though I liked the adventure flick, the last thing I needed was to have an adventure of my own by having my house explode.

By the time we were on the rode we called and found out that we could go home. I was so glad. I hate sleeping somewhere other than my own home totally unprepared.

1 comment:

Marika said...

Happy Anniversary (a bit belated)!!


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