Saturday, September 22, 2007

So much to be happy about!

Today I am hosting a baby shower for my sister-in-law. She is due in November. The reality of being and aunt didn't really hit me until I saw Emily last night. She has a cute little baby belly. Last time I saw her she wasn't really showing. I'm excited to play aunt! She's having a little boy, but they're not telling the name they picked.

Another reason to be so happy is because Nathan and Marika are getting married in 35 days. That is so close! I am excited to be a part of the wedding. I get to take time off work and be with family and friends. It is going to be an amazing time. I love me some celebration! I also get to go to Colorado this coming weekend for a bridal shower for Marika. I like that too!

Rachel gave me some good advice last night. I was cleaning my house to prepare for the shower and Rach sent me a text asking if I had heard the new Kanye West album. I downloaded it having never heard it. Only because it came highly recommended from Rachel. I love it! Thank you Rachel! Thank you Kanye!


Marika said...

Oh goodie! I'm glad you are coming this weekend! Yeah! Now I am even more excited about everything I have to be happy about!

On another note, I know that it is probably too late, but you should check out my blog entry for today. I was at a baby shower this morning and they had the guests do the cutest thing...


Lauren said...

Too bad we couldn't have coordinated this for me to use the good idea too.


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