Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finally addressing an uncomfortable topic.

As you have probably noticed, I have not been updating my blog. I don't really feel like I can move forward with out saying something about the reason I haven't been. There isn't really a subtle way to say it, so I'll just put it out there. Adam and I are separated. I have been living in an apartment close to work for a little over a month now. I don't really feel like sharing any details, especially on a blog. If you know me personally and would like to call or email feel free to do that.

I don't think anything more needs to be said at this point. Like I said, I just didn't feel like I could carry on like nothing has happened, and there are some happy things that I really want to share. So there you go. Now lets move on.


Sue said...

Lauren -

I know it took guts to blog about your separation. This unexpected twist in life is bond to be difficult. I predict you will find however that it helps to share. Those of us who love you have missed your blogging and we welcome the reemergence of your unique creative expression!

I love you!

terry said...

Laur, we're happy to have you "back"! We'll be in touch. In the meantime, I thought of you AGAIN last week when perusing the Boulder Weekly newspaper and saw Naropa University classes offered on how to communicate with animals, and what animals know. . . . !

Lauren said...

Sign me up for that class!

Nan said...

I love you too - I'm just one of many who do! Just got back from seeing Mitchell!


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